

Dolphin Love

Dolphin Energy

Coming Soon:
Dolphin School

All you Need to Know for your
First Dolphin Attunement!

We’re deLIGHTed you’ll be joining us for
your First Dolphin Attunement, beloved podmate.
We look forward to seeing you in the receiving pod!
 ~ Linda, David, Dolphin & Archie


This page contains critical information for you to know before your First Attunement.
It's very important for you to read the entire page.
It's a good idea to bookmark the page in your browser, so you can refer back to it.
And we also recommend you print this page on your printer.
Thank you!

First the Logistics 

Receivers of Dolphin Attunements 1, 2, 3 or 4 all participate together in the same call.
This means that while you are receiving your first Attunement, other podmates on the same call will be receiving their second, third or fourth Attunement.
To be clear, each person receives one Attunement transmission in the call - whichever one is next for that person.

Date and Time

When you signed up for your Dolphin Attunement, you received the information about the date and time.
That information is also available on our Services page, along with a link you can click that will tell you what time the Attunement will be in your local time zone.

Please call in at least 5 minutes before the official start time of the call, so we can begin on time.

Allow a minimum of 2½ hours for your Attunement experience.
This includes the pre-Attunement call, the Attunement transmission, and the post-Attunement call.
Ideally, the rest of your day is also open and clear, so you can follow your energy as you are guided.
If this is not possible, give yourself as much open space and time after your Attunement as you can.
It's common for our podmates to feel quite altered in the hours and days after an Attunement.

How to Connect

We use the Zoom VideoConferencing system for our Dolphin Attunement calls.
If you already have Zoom installed on your computer or phone, then all you will need is the Zoom ID for our meeting: 552 051 6588.
There is no password on the meeting.

Zoom has lots of ways you can connect. 
If you're calling in by phone, make sure it's charged!
We have another page that gives full instructions on how to use Zoom from your computer, an app on your phone, or with an ordinary (audio-only) phone.

When you get in to Zoom, you will be in the Waiting Room until we let you in. 
If you have difficulty connecting to Zoom, e-mail us.

Flow for our time together

We’ll begin with a beautiful opening circle and meditation to connect our energies and create our pod.
Then Linda will lead you into your Attunement experience. 
You'll want to be in a comfortable receiving position, preferably lying down, to receive your Attunement.

Once your Attunement transmission begins, David will end the Zoom meeting, and you will be receiving directly from Dolphin.

About an hour after the transmission begins, we’ll re-open our Zoom call.
We will announce the exact time we will reopen the call before the Attunement begins.
This will be a time for sharing our experiences and making new discoveries.

Attending the after-call is optional. 
You may want to stay with your internal experience for longer than an hour.
Or you may feel called  to go out into nature.
Honor your guidance.

These post-Attunement calls are rich, nourishing, and a lot of fun.

If you're able to call back in, we highly recommend it.


How to Prepare before your Dolphin Attunement

In the days and/or weeks leading up to your Attunement

It’s beneficial to do something every day that will bring you into connection with the dolphins.
The most important thing is to listen to Linda's Opening to Dolphin Energy meditation and meet your dolphin spirit guide.
Do this at least once - more often is better!
(You received the instructions for downloading these recordings in the first email we sent you after you registered. If you have any problem downloading these, email us for support.)

Also strongly recommended: watch Linda's Dolphinity Joy Activation video class. 
It's an hour and 10 minutes long.

In addition, anything that brings the dolphin frequency into your heart, mind, body and life in these coming days will be beneficial.
Some suggestions:

  • Meditate with your dolphin spirit guide.
  • Read Linda's book, Dolphin Love ... from Sea to Land, which describes her profound 7-year journey with the Dolphin Consciousness that gave birth to these Dolphin Attunements.
  • Watch Youtube videos of wild dolphins. There are many good ones. Two of our favorites are here and here.
  • Listen to dolphin music or dolphin sounds.
  • Relax in a warm salt bath and call in the energy of the ocean and the dolphins.
  • Move your body with gentle dance or yoga to loosen, relax, and open to receive.

If you've signed up just shortly before the Attunement, don't stress over any of this, but do listen to Linda's meditation and meet your dolphin spirit guide if you can.

On Dolphin Attunement Day

~ In the hours before our call, do things that support you in letting go of the outside world and coming into harmony and resonance with the Dolphin frequency. 
Just don’t get too relaxed and fall asleep when it's time to call in!
Set an alarm if you have to, just to be safe. 

~ Give yourself as much open time and space as you can, both before and after the Attunement, so you can be fully present as your Attunement experience unfolds.

~ Create your sacred space ahead of time in a place where you’ll be free of distractions.
You can include candles, soft dolphin sounds, or music that relaxes you.

A few of our podmates enjoy receiving Attunement transmissions while soaking in a warm bath with Epsom salts. One even reported that she stayed in the bath receiving the transmission for over an hour, and the water never got cold!

~ Have a fresh new bottle of water in the room with you, to be charged with the Attunement energies. 
We recommend labeling it "DA1," so that it's clear that this is special water! 
After your Attunement, you can drink a few ounces of this water daily for integration support. 
We particularly recommend drinking a little bit before going to bed at night. 
That way the frequencies in the water can work their magic while your body is at rest and you're "out of the way" enjoying dreamtime.
When the water gets low, you can add fresh purified water to the bottle, and ask Dolphin to align the frequencies of the new water to the DA1 frequencies. 
Let the bottle sit for an hour or two, then drink away!

~ When we delivered the Dolphin Attunements in person, we always played Dolphin Dreams by Jonathan Goldman in the background. 
It's lovely background music for this purpose.
It's also fine to receive in silence.

During and After the Attunement

The experience of receiving the Attunement is different for everybody. 
Many people "go out", or even fall asleep, as they are receiving.
You may remain lying down for a long time.
On the other hand, you may pop up, full of energy, shortly after the Attunement is delivered.
Go with it! Do what your spirit is guiding you to do.

When you do feel ready to get up, you may want to go outside and walk in nature.
Perhaps you'll want to put on some music and dance. 
If you're an artist, you may experience a burst of creative energy, and feel the urge to create a piece of art! 
Honor these inner impulses. 
Follow your energy, and surrender to your unique flow.

The dolphins encourage you to remain in your own energy, in silence, eyes closed, for as long as feels right after receiving the Attunement. 
Be gently present with yourself.
Be present to the sensations in your body. 
Be present with your breath. 
Welcome all that you feel, and let your thoughts, feelings, and energy sensations flow through you naturally, like a child.

When you feel it's time to open your eyes, be gently present with the world around you. 
Be in observation, and notice if and how the world appears differently to you. 

Your energy field is wide open after the Attunement transmission. 
Be mindful of where you go, and who you spend time with, immediately following your Attunement experience. 
As best you can, do nourishing, supportive things, and be with loving, supportive people. 
It's not uncommon to feel like you're in an altered state of consciousness for two to three days after the transmission.

A Guideline from the Dolphins

Archie said this in a channeled session:

To optimize your ability to receive the benefits of the Attunements, 
refrain from alcohol or any other recreational drugs
for at least 3 days before and after each Dolphin Attunement.

This is to ensure that you are fully present for the experience, and free of interference.
It's a guideline, not a requirement.
If you forgot and had a drink a night or two before, it's ok to still receive your Attunement.
Follow this when you can, we do find it makes a difference.

 Share your experiences and stay connected!

We're always interested in hearing our podmates' Attunement experiences.
Feel free to email us at any time, and update us on your journey.
We especially want to hear from you if you don't call in to the post-Attunement phone call.
In that case, please be sure to drop us an email within a day or two, and let us know how you're doing and what you're experiencing.

We're so looking forward to diving into this First Dolphin Attunement with you!
We thank you, Dolphin thanks you, and Mother Earth thanks you for receiving this 
remarkable gift.


Oceans of LOVE & Bubbles of JOY!

O o O o O o O o O o O o 

Linda and David 


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